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Serial Dilutions In Microbiology 101

Image of microbes and test tubes for article on serial dilution.

You are probably familiar with some microbes like bacteria and viruses, but the category includes protists and fungi. Scientists incubate these microbes in the lab,

Using Software To Improve PCR

Illustration of laptop and data for article on PCR software.

PCR is a popular lab technique with genomics, medicine, forensic science, and environmental biology applications. In 1993, the scientist who developed PCR, Kary Mullins, was

qPCR Analysis Software: Uses & Benefits

Image of PCR plate and PCR curves for article on qPCR Software.

Initial Problems Developing Automated Liquid Handling Robots The “q” in qPCR stands for quantitative. Over the past 20 years, the tremendous advances made by the

Lab Scheduling Software and Robotics

Image of flowchart and lab equipment for article on lab scheduling software and robotics.

Various components are vital to the operation of a research lab. Besides the laboratory information management system (LIMS) that manages staff and sample data, among

How to Choose Life Science Software

Image of a computers and DNA for an article about how you can choose life science software.

Life science software is a crucial component of lab automation efforts. While it’s the hardware that is most often given attention, systems such as microplate