Key features include:
- Compact bench top design that is easy to use.
- Expandable to robotic arm loading as your needs grow.
- Medium colony picking throughput of up to 250 colonies/hour.
- Average inoculation rates over 99%.
- Ideal for research picking inside anaerobic chambers or biosafety cabinets.
- Wash and sterilization system has with a proven track record of over ten years of dependably eliminating carryover contamination.
- Software Plug-Ins are available to communicate with all Hudson Robotics instruments and over 200 instruments from other manufacturers such as LiCONiC incubators, media dispensers, and robotic arms.
- The system is fully compatible with our PlateCrane EX robotic arm and SoftLinx™ scheduling software. Also capable of advanced integration with other instruments as part of a complete molecular biology.
The imaging system, single pin colony picker, and sterilization system on the RapidPick-SP are the same as those on the RapidPick MP. The differences are the plate loading and the number of pins used to pick samples.
The RapidPick’s easy-to-use software enables users to create unique colony morphology sets to automate the colony picking process.
- Select the visual parameters for automatically identifying colonies, such as Radius, Amplitude, Elongation, Conformity, Separation
- Select the Source Plate format to be used
- Select the Target Plate format
- Select the Type of operation (colony-picking, re-arraying, plate replication, etc.)
- Select picking segments on segmented colony plates
- Define picking parameters and limits