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PCR and qPCREffortless PCR and qPCR Workflow Optimization

Simplify and streamline your qPCR reactions with Hudson Robotics’ versatile solutions. The SOLO automated pipettor is your ideal companion for assembling even the most complex sample sets for qPCR pipelines. From building a few qPCR reactions from 1.5mL source tubes to high-throughput serial dilutions spanning thousands of samples per day, the SOLO offers configurable setups to meet your needs.

Key Features:

  • Adaptability: The SOLO accommodates various qPCR workflows, ensuring seamless integration into your laboratory processes.
  • Scalability: Whether handling a few reactions or managing high-throughput assays, the SOLO offers flexible configurations to tackle diverse sample volumes and complexities.

Comprehensive Solutions:

  • Thermocycler Integration: Hudson Robotics offers multiple thermocycler brands compatible with the SOLO, enabling convenient mounting onto the deck for PCR applications.
  • Enhanced Processing: Explore additional accessories such as magnetic bead nests and positive pressure filter plates (FilterPress), optimizing PCR and qPCR processes for efficiency and reliability.

Elevate your laboratory’s capabilities and accelerate your research with our comprehensive PCR and qPCR offerings.

Wikipedia – Polymerase Chain Reaction

Human Genome Project – Polymerase Chain Reaction

Wikipedia – Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction